Masters of Hypnosis
Ever feel mesmerized - hypnotized even- looking at a herd of zebras and their black & white dignity? If so, you have much more in common than you think with a number of scary predators of the African plains. Who knew that all that monochrome glory had a very clever purpose? By smoothly blending into each other, and morphing themselves into a black & white cloud with no discernible outline, zebras manage to not only confuse and disorient their predators, but they eternally fascinate and inspire us to keep drawing and painting them again and again with great joy.
- Each print illustrated by hand, transferred and then digitally printed
- 100% silk, crepe de chine
- Measuring 137 cms by 137 cms
- It comes with a detachable, hand crocheted corner charm, that completes the story and carries forward the traditional Turkish art of oya
- The crochet characters are hand-made in Southeastern Turkey in cooperation with a UNDP project that aims to foster sustainable economic development of the region’s women.
- The edges are hand-rolled
- To be delivered in its own 100% cotton pouch
- Illustrated by Pinar Yegin
- Product prices displayed are exclusive of all taxes and duties. The recipient, is liable for all import duties, customs and local sales taxes levied by the country you are shipping to; payment of these is necessary to release your order from customs on arrival.
- You may find more details for return/exchange and care instructions here.